I Love You Jesus

I Love You Jesus
For God is love – He is not merely benevolent, he is benevolence itself. Compare the notes at 2Co_13:11. Never was a more important declaration made than this; never was more meaning crowded into a few words than in this short sentence – “God is love.” In the darkness of this world of sin – in all the sorrows that come now upon the race, and that will come upon the wicked hereafter – we have the assurance that a God of infinite benevolence rules over all; and though we may not be able to reconcile all that occurs with this declaration, or see how the things which he has permitted to take place are consistent with it, yet in the exercise of faith on his own declarations we may find consolation in “believing” that it is so, and may look forward to a period when all his universe shall see it to be so.

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